IDF requests self-defense units in northern Israel to surrender weapons

On Thursday, December 21, settlements in northern Israel received a message from the IDF, stating that next week they are required to surrender the weapons distributed to self-defense units at the beginning of the war.

According to Ynet, relevant directives were received by the regional councils of Upper Galilee, Merom HaGalil, Mevo'ot HaHermon, and local councils of Hatzor HaGlilit, Rosh Pina, and Yesud HaMa'ala.

The amount of weaponry in the hands of civilians in settlements along the northern borders of Israel is expected to be reduced by 80%. Only self-defense unit commanders will retain weapons.

As reported by Ynet, the head of the Upper Galilee regional council, Giora Zaltz, appealed to the commanders of the Northern Military District and the Logistics Directorate, as well as the Minister of Defense, requesting to stop collecting weapons.