
Israel to encourage Jewish scientists to make Aliyah despite budget constraints

Ofir Sofer is working on allocating a budget for a program for immigrated scientists that ceased operating last year.

More than 13 thousand repatriates have come to Israel since October 7

Most of the new Israelis are coming from Russia

Government to allocate 170 million NIS for Aliyah program

An allocation of 170 million NIS was approved to finance the "Af Al Pi Hen" Aliyah program.

Sixfold increase in French Aliyah applications, US applicants double

Aliyah applications from French Jews have surged sixfold since the start of the war.

Knesset paid tribute to Olim and Lone Soldiers who died in the war

A meeting was held dedicated to the memory of the newly repatriated soldiers who died in the war.