Michael Morkin

Islamic Jihad releases video of hostage Alexander Troufanov

Troufanov was taken hostage during the October 7 Hamas atrocities

Matanyahu Englman appointed President of European Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions

EUROSAI is a European intergovernmental organization whose members are supreme audit institutions in their respective countries

Demonstration at Hebrew University сalls for 'Freedom for Palestine'

A counterdemonstration, led by right-wing group Im Tirtzu, is taking place across the street

Spain, Norway, and Ireland formally recognized Palestinian state

The decision triggered an angry response from Israel, which summoned the countries’ ambassadors in Tel Aviv to the Foreign Ministry

Israeli Air Force strikes over 75 targets in Gaza during past day

In central Gaza, troops killed several more operatives in clashes and with tank shelling.

WSJ: US seeks to block IAEA resolution condemning Iran

Some American officials fear Iran could be more volatile when a new leader is elected following the death of President Ebrahim Raisi

IDF arrests six terror suspects in Judea and Samaria, destroys car with ammunition

Armed clashes between Israeli troops and Palestinians took place during these operations