
UN Special Rapporteur investigated for allegedly receiving funds from Hamas groups

The investigation aims to address allegations that Albanese's recent trip to Australia and New Zealand was financed by a Hamas lobby group.

Justice Minister Yariv Levin testifies in 'Case 2000' involving Netanyahu

The Jerusalem District Court has resumed proceedings in cases involving Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Dubai real estate exposes money laundering, Hezbollah, and Russian Oligarchs

Dubbed "Dubai Unlocked," the document reveals that the emirate has become a hub for money laundering.

Netivot mayor detained over corruption allegations

Following interrogation, Zohar was placed under house arrest for five days.

Smotrich calls for Ra'am party to be investigated

Bezalel Smotrich has called on the government's legal adviser to launch an immediate investigation into the public organization 'Help 48' and the Ra'am party.

Ex-UNRWA Chief Accused of Corruption, Now Appointed to Red Cross Role

On December 22nd, Pierre Krahenbuhl, ousted from UNRWA over corruption, was named ICRC's new Director-General, approved by President Mirjana Spoljaric Egger, sparking global debate on second chances in humanitarian leadership.