
Film about three Israeli hostages killed by IDF's friendly fire to be made

On December 15, 2023, the IDF soldiers operating in Shuja'iyya shot dead three Israeli hostages who were visibly unarmed, shirtless, and waving a white flag

Israel to participate in Eurovision with revised version of 'October Rain'

Israel will alter both the lyrics and title of the song slated to represent Israel at the Eurovision 2024 Song Contest.

Italian Culture Minister: Israel to remain in Venice Biennale

Gennaro Sangiuliano stated that despite calls to exclude Israel from this year's Venice Biennale, the Israeli pavilion will proceed as scheduled.

Israel Prize shrinks to only one category due to ongoing war

Some believe the Israel Prize is restructured to avoid honoring Eyal Waldman, an Israeli tech giant and outspoken Netanyahu critic

Lord Jacob Rothschild, British financier, philanthropist and friend of Israel, dies at 87

Jacob Rothschild also followed the Rothschild family's charitable interests in Israel and was the chairman of Yad Hanadiv, the family foundation which built the Knesset and the Supreme Court buildings

Wiley stripped of MBE following antisemitic remarks

British rapper Wiley was stripped of his MBE title due to consistent antisemitic remarks made on social media.

'Shalom Ukraine': documentary film by Ilya Axelrod

Israeli stand-up comedian Ilya Axelrod released a documentary about the lives of his Ukrainian friends and fellow comedians during the conflict.