The Parliamentary Commission on Labor and Social Security deliberated on a proposal regarding a one-time settlement allowance for Israelis returning home after evacuation.

Returnees will be categorized based on their return date: those returning before March 17 will receive NIS 15,360, while those returning before April 1 will receive NIS 7,680. Payments will be made to individuals who returned to authorized populated areas, as determined by security services.

The payment calculation involves a formula: 200 shekels per day per adult and 100 shekels per day per child, starting from January 1 or the return date (whichever is later) until the benefit period ends on February 29.

Residents of settlements deemed safe to return to may still stay in evacuation centers in hotels, but their payment amount will be reduced.

Commission Chairman, Deputy Yisrael Eichler (United Torah Judaism), urged the Ministry of Finance and Bituach Leumi to expedite these payments to evacuees before Passover.