
Right-Wing Liberal Bloc: Participants and Prospects - A Commentary

As we look ahead to the elections for the 26th Knesset, it's clear that the party landscape will be significantly different from today.

Gallant criticizes Netanyahu during US visit, Gantz backs him

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant met with US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan at the White House on Wednesday, June 26.

Benny Gantz announces his resignation from the government

Benny Gantz, head of the Machane Mamlachti party, announced his resignation from the government.

Benny Gantz to give press conference today, might announce his exit from government

National Unity chairman will hold a press conference this evening at 8 p.m

Coalition sources: Gantz to depart government by week's end

The Machane Mamlachti party is expected to depart from the coalition by the end of this week.

Gantz: Government prioritized power struggles over conscription law

The leader of the Machane Mamlachti party, Minister Benny Gantz, shared his thoughts on the conscription issue.

Opposition party leaders hold meeting, await Gantz's departure from government

Yair Lapid met with Avigdor Lieberman and Gideon Saar to discuss an action plan to change the future of the Israeli government.