
Netanyahu meets with foreign ministers Cameron and Baerbock

PM stated that the State of Israel will make its own decisions and do everything necessary to defend itself

Netanyahu meets with Cameron and Baerbock

The Prime Minister's Office highlighted that during the meetings, Netanyahu underscored Israel's right to self-defense.

Israeli, German, and British foreign ministers meet in Jerusalem

Cameron and Baerbock's visit was aimed at discussing ways to prevent further escalation following Iran's significant attack on the country.

Tadesschau report: Hamas used German aid for tunnel construction for years

The findings suggest that while German specialists aimed to assist the civilian population of Gaza, they unintentionally supported Hamas.

Germany denies accusations of promoting 'Palestinian genocide'

Representatives from Germany expressed confidence that the lawsuit would not hold up.

Nicaragua accuses Germany of complicity in 'Palestinian genocide' at UN Court

Although the lawsuit isn't formally directed at Israel, it essentially targets the Jewish state.

German citizenship test now includes questions on Jews and Israel

The aim is to prevent antisemites and radicals from obtaining citizenship.