Haredi draft

65% of Haredim support leaving coalition if government drafts Yeshiva students

A survey by the Midgam Sociological Institute revealed that 65% of Haredim support withdrawing religious parties from the government coalition if yeshiva students get drafted.

Government rejects Machane Mamlachti appeals against conscription law

The Israeli government has dismissed an appeal lodged by ministers from the Machane Mamlachti party against the advancement of the conscription law.

Ministers approve conscription law; religious ministers absent

The Cabinet of Ministers for Legislation has unanimously approved Benjamin Netanyahu's proposal to advance the conscription law.

Government to retain private lawyer for appeals on Haredi draft exemption

Baharav-Miara declined to represent the state in the appeal.

'He doesn't want an agreement on the conscription law': Deri criticizes Gantz

Deri condemned Gantz's bill, which he believes aims to undermine the Torah's principles, noting that its approval is unlikely.

Yeshiva Association: 'Yeshivotniks cannot be drafted - they purchased tickets abroad for Passover'

Horowitz argued that yeshiva students cannot be drafted during this time and should wait at least a month.

'State is waging war against God and Torah': Sephardic Rabbis oppose conscription

The rabbis condemn the government's actions, accusing it of sowing discord and attempting to secularize the ultra-religious community.