The IDF Medical Service reports that 838 "mental health officers" (ktzin briyut hanefesh), primarily reservist army psychiatrists, have been called into service.

Currently, approximately 600 active-duty army psychiatrists are assisting military personnel dealing with complex psychological conditions.

Since the start of the war, a total of 3,221 military personnel have been injured, with 1,713 during ground operations in the Gaza Strip.

Of these, 2,438 military personnel were admitted to hospitals, and 431 injured servicemen were evacuated by helicopter.

Throughout the war, around 13,000 military personnel, including conscripts and reservists, sought medical assistance for various injuries, both physical and psychological. Approximately 9,000 sought help in mental health, with 75% returning to combat missions.

During the war, over 80 women joined the ranks of military medics, participating in ground warfare alongside men and providing treatment for the wounded under fire for the first time.