Singapore Health Ministry urges mask-wearing amid COVID-19 surge

The Singapore Ministry of Health has advised residents to resume wearing medical masks due to a significant increase in COVID-19 cases.

From May 5 to May 11, 25,900 cases of COVID-19 were reported in Singapore, compared to 13,700 cases the previous week. Hospitalizations also rose during this period, though less dramatically, from 181 to 250 cases per day.

"This is the start of a new wave, and it is getting higher. It will peak in four to six weeks, which is early to mid-July," Health Minister Ong Ye Kung stated.

Minister Ong emphasized that those most at risk include individuals with chronic diseases, people over 60 years old, and especially those living in elder care facilities. He recommended that those who have not been vaccinated in the past year get vaccinated promptly.