
IDF strikes southern Lebanon following terror attack in Metula

The IDF struck southern Lebanon after Metula was attacked.

IDF strikes southern Lebanon in response to airspace intrusion

In response to an air invasion, the IDF struck southern Lebanon. Labanese media allege Israel hit a medical hospital.

IDF strikes targets in southern Lebanon

In response to a rocket attack from Lebanon, the IDF retaliated by striking the launch points.

Arab al-Aramshe area struck by first rocket attack of the day

At 4:41 PM, the 'Tseva Adom' siren was heard in Upper Galilee's Arab al-Aramshe area, signaling a rocket threat from Lebanon.

IDF confirms death of Hezbollah commander behind drone attacks on Israel

Hezbollah's air unit commander responsible for orchestrating kamikaze drone attacks, was eliminated by the Israeli Air Force.

Israeli air force attacks Hezbollah targets in southern Lebanon

The Israeli Air Force targeted Hezbollah's terrorist infrastructure near the village of Kfarkela in southern Lebanon.

IDF carries out strikes on Southern Lebanon

Israel retaliated against Hezbollah's drone attacks by striking the organization's targets in Lebanon.