
Northwest of Israel under fire from Lebanon

Several shelling incidents struck the Rosh HaNikra area, but the alarms were slow to raise awareness.

Hezbollah: Hamas told us not to start a war in Israel

Hezbollah members asked the people of Gaza what they could do to help stop the fighting, Hamas ordered them to stay down.

IDF Carries Out Retaliatory Strikes on Southern Lebanon

On the morning of December 24th, the IDF launched strikes near several Lebanese villages in response to prior attacks on IDF positions located around Mount Dov.

IDF fighter jet strikes Hezbollah targets in Lebanon

It was a response to attacks on northern Israel today.

IDF: Up to 8,000 militants eliminated in Gaza

Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) have incurred substantial losses since October 7

The new concept of national security. An interview with Major General (res.) Uzi Dayan

Former Deputy Chief of General Staff and former head of the National Security Council answers the most urgent questions about the current war

IDF continues to strike Hezbollah targets in Lebanon

In retaliation for a rocket strike on Israel, a Hezbollah military facility became the target of an offensive action.