
Israel's CPI Transformation: The New Prime Focus on Housing Over Food Costs

In a transformative move, the Central Bureau of Statistics in Israel has announced an impactful revision to its Consumer Price Index (CPI) basket. By lowering the weight of food and simultaneously increasing the emphasis on housing, the bureau signals a shift aligned with evolving consumer priorities and economic realities. The

Approval granted for protests against Lod's 6,000 apartment 'Resettlement-Development' project

The Commission for the Promotion of Priority Housing Projects (VATMAL) has approved one of Israel's largest Resettlement-Building projects, allowing protests to be filed.

Approval granted for 3,500 settlement housing units in Judea and Samaria

The Planning and Development Council of Judea and Samaria has approved the construction of about 3,500 additional housing units in Ma'ale Adumim, Efrat, and Kedar.