Israel-Lebanon Border

Iran will support Hezbollah in case of war with Israel, adviser says

Iranian leadership told the Financial Times that Tehran would support Hezbollah "by all means" if a full-scale war with Israel began.

Bild reports: 'Israel's Lebanon ground operation start time determined'

German publication Bild, citing "diplomatic sources," reports that the IDF has set a time to begin a ground operation in Lebanon.

IDF attacks Hezbollah targets in southern Lebanon

IDF aircraft bombed two Hezbollah military buildings in Aytarun and Ayta ash Shab, hitting them while terrorists were inside.

Rocket sirens in Dovev, near Lebanon border

At 5:03 PM, the "Tseva Adom" alarm sounded in Dovev, a village near the Lebanon border.

Northern Israel under attack

An alarm sounded in Ramot Naftali, Upper Galilee, indicating a possible rocket attack from Lebanon.

US Navy amphibious ships head to eastern Mediterranean

They are prepared for potential evacuation operations of American citizens from Lebanon and Israel amid escalating tensions between the IDF and Hezbollah

Video: IAF conducted strikes on Hezbollah targets in southern Lebanon overnight

Terrorist infrastructure in the areas of Kfarkela, Houla, El Biyada, and Rab El Thalathine was hit