Israel unveil plan for the return of settlements 4 kilometers from Gaza border

In a united effort with various ministries and agencies, the IDF, the Ministry of Defense, and the Tekuma Administration have crafted a comprehensive program designed to facilitate the return of residents from communities located within 4 km of the Gaza sector and beyond to their homes.

The program includes individual solutions, support, and assistance for each community. It will evolve gradually based on the unfolding situation and ongoing assessments.

At this stage, residents of evacuated communities will be able to return home independently. Simultaneously, authorities will continue bringing life in the communities in the conflict zone back to normal. They will also assist residents who will choose to return at a later stage.

Residents of six communities will be able to return independently after the self-defense groups ("kitot konenut") of these communities undergo all the necessary reinforcement and training. Reservist units will be stationed in these areas to ensure the population's safety. Concurrently, with the strengthening, equipping, and training of self-defense groups, armed forces will be stationed in these communities.

The security of these communities will be significantly enhanced, featuring fences, gates, lighting, technological solutions for security, safes for the weapons of self-defense groups, secure communication devices, and all necessary equipment.

The IDF underscores that the return of the population will be a gradual process, contingent on the readiness of the necessary security measures. This program, developed in collaboration with local council leaders, has been shared with residents of the communities who will be able to return in the initial stage.