The IDF reported that on the night of January 2, it eliminated four militants barricaded in a house and offering armed resistance in the village of Azzun, east of Qalqilya.

The operation to neutralize the terrorists was carried out by fighters from the 8211th Reserve Battalion of the Ephraim Brigade. Three Carlo submachine guns were found at the scene.

During the exchange of fire, a reserve officer sustained a moderately severe injury. He has been transported to the hospital.

It is also reported that during the operation in Qalqilya, Israeli forces eliminated a militant who was shooting at them. A pistol was found. No IDF soldiers were injured.

Throughout the night, seven individuals suspected of terrorist activities were detained in Judea and Samaria. They will be questioned by the Shin Bet investigators.

Since the beginning of the conflict on October 7, 2023, over 2550 individuals suspected of terrorism have been detained in the Palestinian Authority territory, with approximately 1300 of them associated with Hamas.