IDF operations in Judea and Samaria: Military forces were active in Jenin, Qalqilya, Jericho, and near Ramallah

The Israel Defense Forces continue operations in Judea and Samaria to prevent new terrorist attacks and to apprehend or neutralize activists from terrorist organizations.

Sources in the Palestinian Authority report that Israeli military forces operated in Jenin, Ya’bad (west of Jenin), Silat al-Harithiya (northwest of Jenin), Qalqilya, Azzun (east of Qalqilya), Jericho, Jalazone (north of Ramallah), Beit Furik (east of Nablus), al-Arroub (south of Bethlehem) on the night of January 2.

Reports of armed clashes have been received. Shootouts were heard, in particular in the Nazzal area in the center of Qalqilya and the Ein as-Sultan area in Jericho. Hamas and Islamic Jihad claimed joint resistance against Israeli forces in Jenin. There are reports of injuries on the Palestinian side, while no information about injuries among Israeli military personnel has been reported.

During the night, militants fired at an army checkpoint near the entrance to Mount Gerizim, near Nablus. There is no information about casualties.

Individuals suspected of terrorism have been detained. Their exact number is being clarified.

Several women suspected of extremist activities have been detained today, including Professor Maisun al-Rimawi (in Jericho) and Jarrah Umar Dalaisha (‘Umm Umar,’ in Jalazone). Their arrest may indicate preparations for a new phase of ‘prisoner exchange,’ as there are women among the hostages in Gaza, and most women convicted of terrorism were released from Israeli prisons as part of the November agreements with Hamas.

As of now, the IDF has not commented on the events in Judea and Samaria on the night of January 2.