Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu to High Court: 'You don't have authority to cancel laws'

Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, chief rabbi of Tzfat, commented on the High Court's decision to overturn a Basic Law, stating that it has no legal validity.

He pointed out that the nation of Israel chooses members of the Knesset, whereas no one chooses judges. Therefore, they do not have the right to overturn the will of the people and cancel regular laws or the country's Basic Laws.

The rabbi stated that the High Court's decision, made during wartime, shows the irresponsible behavior of the judges. According to him, Israel owes its existence not to the court but to the soldiers and the families of the heroes who sacrificed their lives for the country. Rabbi Eliyahu also emphasized that the silence of the religious community should not be interpreted as agreement with what has happened.

"You have no authority to dictate your values to us. We are not obligated to uphold your rulings. They have no halakhic (belonging to Jewish law -ed.) validity and no legal validity, either," Rabbi Eliyahu emphasized. He underscored the importance of unity in these difficult times, concluding with a blessing from the prayer addressed to God: "And I will restore your judges as at the first, and your counselors as at the beginning."