IDF continues operations in Judea and Samaria; Five terror suspects arrested, militant killed in Beit Rima

On January 5, the IDF, the Shin Bet security service, and Border Police arrested five suspects involved in terrorist activities in Judea and Samaria. The Shin Bet investigators will question the detainees. Weapons, explosive devices, and extremist materials were confiscated.

The IDF spokesperson reported that equipment was confiscated in Halhul from a print shop where extremist materials were printed.

In Beit Rima (near Ramallah), militants threw explosive devices and Molotov cocktails at soldiers. In the ensuing exchange of fire, one militant was killed, and several others were wounded.

Since the start of the war on October 7, 2023, approximately 2,600 terror suspects have been arrested in the Palestinian Authority, with around 1,300 of them linked to the Hamas terrorist organization.