Qatar in talks with Hamas to supply medical aid to hostages

Elior Levy, an Arab affairs commentator for Kan-11, discussed Qatar's ongoing negotiations with Hamas to supply medical supplies to Israelis held in the Gaza Strip.

Levy highlighted that the negotiations involve high-ranking officials within the Hamas hierarchy. The focus is on providing necessary medical supplies for hostages with chronic diseases and those requiring medical care, as identified by Israel.

If an agreement is reached, Israel commits to supplying medicines to the Gaza Strip for its residents as well.

Arab media reports indicate that the negotiations revolve around a specific list of medications and their quantities. Simultaneously, discussions are taking place with international organizations that would deliver medicines to the Gaza Strip if an agreement is finalized with Hamas.

The New York Times also covered Qatar's negotiations on providing medicine for hostages in Gaza. The publication mentioned that relatives of the abducted individuals raised this matter during their visit to Doha last week, where they met with Prime Minister Mohammed Bin Jassim Al Thani. Additionally, a source in Jerusalem confirmed progress in the ongoing negotiations.