Israel at War: Day 98

Friday, January 12, marks the 98th day of the war in Israel. Here is an overview of the events thus far.

Event Timeline


Palestinian Authority (PA) sources report that IDF forces entered the village of Qabalan, south of Nablus.


The Palestinian Ministry of Health reports that 19-year-old Khaled Ahmed Zabidi was killed in Tulkarm as a result of IDF activities in the area.

PA sources also report IDF activities in Qalqilya and Nablus.


At 9 PM, the missile warning system went off in Ashdod and settlements on the border with the Gaza Strip (Saad, Kfar Aza, Alumim) for the first time in over 30 hours.


At 8:07 PM, a signal sounded in the Adora settlement (Judea), warning of possible terrorist infiltration. Shortly after, terrorists fired at Israeli soldiers patrolling the settlement. IDF forces pursued and eliminated three militants, preventing an attack planned for Shabbat evening.

Weapons, an axe, knives, and Molotov cocktails were found in their belongings. MADA previously reported one person injured; the IDF press service did not confirm the wounded.


In response to shelling on January 12, the IDF attacked militants and Hezbollah targets in southern Lebanon, destroying several terrorist infrastructures.


Sources in Gaza report an IDF attack on the Zaytoun area.

PA sources: IDF forces are operating in the village of Ya'bad (Samaria).

At 4:26 PM, the “Tzeva Adom” alarm was heard in Hanita near the Israeli-Lebanese border—the first shelling from Lebanon today.


Golani Brigade forces in Gaza discovered loaded rocket launchers in a cemetery, destroying them without causing damage.


PA sources report IDF operations in the village of Sinjil (between Nablus and Ramallah).

The Gaza Ministry of Health announced that since the start of hostilities on October 7, 23,708 people have been killed, and 60,005 have been injured.

IDF reports 15 soldiers injured in the past 24 hours in Gaza, with no deaths or serious injuries.


Sources in Gaza report an IDF strike on Salah al-Din Street, killing one.

On January 12, IDF forces detained four terrorist suspects in Judea and Samaria. Operations in Tulkarm, Nur Shams, Beit Ummar, and other settlements were conducted without casualties.


Sources in Gaza report an IDF attack on Juhor ad Dik.

The IDF released the director of the Khan Younis Emergency Center, Auni Khattab, detained 51 days ago.


IDF published new data on the ground military operation in Gaza. F

ighting continues in Khan Yunis and Al-Maghazi, where dozens of terrorists, including a Nukhba commander, were killed.


PA sources report IDF forces operating in Tulkarm.


Sources in Gaza report IDF strikes in the south and west of Khan Yunis.


PA sources report IDF forces in the village of Silat al-Kharaitiyat, northwest of Jenin.

Armed clashes continue in Nur Shams, east of Tulkarm.


PA sources reported IDF forces operating in Azzun, east of Qalqilya.

Sources in Gaza report an IDF attack in the al-Mashala area.


PA sources report IDF forces in the village of Shauara, southeast of Bethlehem.

PA sources report IDF operations in the Ad-Damj area in Nur Shams, east of Tulkarm, using heavy engineering equipment.


The IDF conducted an anti-terrorist operation in Tulkarmm; clashes occured. A homemade "grenade" disabled an IDF bulldozer.

The last attacks from Gaza were recorded at 10:29 AM on January 11. During the current war, Hamas usually refrains from firing rockets at Israeli territory overnight.