IDF forces destroy rocket launchers in the Gaza Strip

Soldiers from the 646th Brigade uncovered and eliminated two missile systems in the central part of the Gaza Strip, specifically in the Al-Muarqa area. Additionally, numerous launchers were destroyed, some of which were loaded and ready for use.

In Khan Yunis, the 7th Armored Brigade forces successfully neutralized a mine containing weapons and explosive devices, eliminating a group of terrorists in the process.

The Tzanhanim Brigade forces detected terrorists firing at Israeli soldiers from a building in Khan Yunis. A drone was deployed to the site, resulting in the death of one terrorist, while the second attempted to flee but was located and eliminated.

In the same vicinity, fighters from the Givati Brigade took down a group of terrorists with their faces concealed by scarves.

Moving to the Al-Atatra area in the northern Gaza Strip, the 401st Brigade forces discovered and dismantled launchers concealed in pits.

Soldiers from the 55th Brigade discovered Islamic Jihad training manuals, sniper equipment, and other tools used for training terrorists in the Bayt Makhbal area.