Lebanese anti-tank missile kills IDF sergeant and mother in Yuval

It has been confirmed that Barak Ayalon (45 years old) and his mother, Mira Ayalon (76 years old), lost their lives due to an anti-tank missile fired from Lebanese territory hitting a building in the village of Yuval.

According to available information, Barak Ayalon died instantly, while his seriously injured mother was airlifted to Ziv Hospital in Safed. Unfortunately, doctors had to declare her death.

Another individual, aged 74, required medical attention to recover from severe nervous shock.

The IDF clarifies that 45-year-old Barak Ayalon held the rank of senior sergeant in the reserves.

In response to Israeli Air Force shelling, targets of the Lebanese terrorist organization Hezbollah were attacked. The strike successfully hit Hezbollah's command center and another target in southern Lebanon.

Previously reported on the night of January 14, five soldiers were wounded in a battle with terrorists who entered Israeli territory from Lebanon in the Mount Dov area.

The IDF confirmed that four soldiers and an officer (deputy company commander) sustained light to moderate injuries. Return fire resulted in the death of four terrorists.