Yoav Gallant calls for Palestinian workers to return to Israel

Defense Minister, Yoav Gallant, conducted a situation assessment meeting at the 877th Territorial Division of Judea and Samaria headquarters.

He emphasized the risk of escalating conflict in the region and stressed the need to address issues with the Palestinian Authority administration.

Gallant called for resolving the matter of issuing work permits to Palestinian Authority residents and addressing the challenge of transferring tax collection funds to Ramallah.

"Hamas is attempting to establish a link between Gaza and Judea and Samaria to ignite unrest in the region. We must exert every effort to prevent this," said Gallant, emphasizing Israel's interest in a "strong Palestinian administration."

National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir responded to Gallant's comments on his blog, stating, "That's exactly what you told me when I warned against bringing in Palestinian workers from the Gaza Strip on the eve of the October 7 massacre. Maybe it's time to sober up?"