Knesset paid tribute to Olim and Lone Soldiers who died in the war

The head of the Aliyah and Integration Commission, Oded Forer, chaired a meeting of the parliamentary commission on Aliyah and Absorption, dedicated to the memory of the newly repatriated soldiers who died in the war.

Relatives of fallen servicemen, family members of those currently fighting in the Gaza Strip, and relatives of people held captive by Hamas attended the meeting.

At the start, Oded Forer called on everyone to honor the memory of those who died for the right of Jews to live in their own country. The relatives and friends of the new repatriates who died then spoke to the audience.

Natalya, Sergeant Lior Khazizov’s mother, shared two phone conversations with her son, the last one at 09:41 on October 7. Lior fought for 8-9 hours that day, dying a heroic death. He aspired to be a cardiologist and save lives, fulfilling his dream by sacrificing his own.

Yuval Ben Yakov's uncle, Roman Itelman, spoke about his nephew's dream to serve in a tank unit. Despite facing weight-related challenges, Yuval persevered, lost weight, and achieved his dream. He died ten days before demobilization, among the first victims of the terrorist invasion.

Yulia Malinovskaya focused on the problems of repatriated soldiers, expressing gratitude but questioning the need for a war to bring attention to their issues. She highlighted challenges faced by repatriates, including those serving in the army without the right to start a family in Israel.

Closing the meeting, Oded Forer emphasized the significance of Aliyah and new repatriates, acknowledging their unity and heroism in fighting for the country and people. He expressed gratitude to all soldiers, both native-born and repatriates, who sacrificed for Israel's goals.