A session of the Aliyah and Integration Commission took place at the Knesset, focusing on subsidizing flights to Israel for the parents of lone soldiers. This initiative was initiated by the commission's chairman, MP Oded Forer. The meeting was attended by parents of lone soldiers, representatives from public organizations, the Ministry of Transport, and the IDF.

The topic of insufficient support for parents of lone soldiers engaged in combat in the Gaza Strip was brought up by military personnel's parents during a previous commission meeting. Many families are unable to afford coming to Israel, primarily due to the substantial increase in ticket prices since the start of the war.

Lone soldiers actively participate in the war, facing injuries and even death, making it imperative for the state not to remain indifferent.

Oded Forer has urged the IDF and the Ministry of Aliyah and Integration to initiate "Operation Visit a Soldier," enabling parents of lone soldiers to travel to Israel and reunite with their children. While the law permits funding for the flights of lone soldiers to their home country, there has been a prohibition on drafted soldiers leaving the country since October 7.

The commission's chairman emphasized that Israel is the only country globally where young individuals from various parts of the world fly to draft and serve in the army.

As of right now, there are 3,840 lone soldiers serving in the IDF, with 137 of them wounded during the War of Iron Swords. However, only slightly over 800 parents have been able to travel to Israel to embrace and support their children, who are serving in the IDF.

During the meeting, parents voiced concerns about the exessively high flight prices to Israel. The mother of a lone soldier cited the cost of a one-way ticket from the United States as $2,600.

Another mother, whose daughter Yuval serves as a tanker in the IDF and hails from Australia, shared that she flew to Israel immediately upon learning of her daughter's hospitalization. Regrettably, she did not receive any refund, even partial, for the purchased tickets. Participants in the discussion lamented the lack of substantial assistance from Israel, preventing parents from visiting their children who are currently risking their lives.

To conclude the discussion, Oded Forer extended an invitation to representatives from the army, the Ministry of Transport, the Monistry of Aliyah, airlines, and public organizations to initiate the "Visit a Soldier" operation.

This initiative aims to assist parents of lone soldiers, ultimately boosting the morale of their children who are defending Israel. Additionally, he suggested that El Al airlines offer affordable tickets, with further commodities from both the state budget and the army budget.