Police arrest two Arabs for ISIS-linked terror attack plot near Knesset

The Office of the State Attorney presented charges to the Jerusalem District Court against residents of Jerusalem, Mostafa Abed Al-Nabi,19, and Ahmad Netsha, 20. According to the Office, they claimed allegiance to ISIS and planned to carry out an attack near Knesset. The prosecution also requested an extension of the detention period for the accused during the legal proceedings.

According to the indictment, the accused regularly watched ISIS videos that depicted inflammatory religious sermons, executions, beheadings, killings of Jews, and many other crimes.

In November, Mostafa Abed Al-Nabi decided to carry out a terror attack by detonating a truck filled with gas canisters near the Knesset in an attempt to kill as many Jews as possible.

He looked for educational information on explosives and wrote an article about formulas and the explosive velocity of various substances. The text also detailed the amount of explosives needed for the most effective blast considering the location and placement of the charge.

After studying the theoretical information, he purchased chemical substances and began making explosives: he evaporated various chemicals to reach the necessary concentration for explosive devices. At a certain stage, he invited his acquaintance Ahmad Netsha to participate in the terrorist act. Due to the arrest of both, the act was prevented.

The accused are charged with attempting to create weapons for terrorist purposes, conspiracy to commit a terrorist attack, training for a terrorist act, membership in a terrorist organization, and obstruction of justice.