The Office of the Prime Minister, on the behalf of the Mossad foreign intelligence service, issued a statement asserting that Knesset member Tally Gotliv (Likud) is disseminating false information and conspiracy theories. The allegations involve the supposed meeting of the Mossad head with Shikma Bressler shortly before October 7.

“We are talking about a stream of lies. The head of the Mossad never met, talked or invited Shikma Bressler to a conversation. This is the second time that Knesset member Gotliv has spread baseless lies,” the Mossad statement said.

In response to another tweet from Tally Gotliv, the foreign intelligence service issued a statement, addressing her reference to the Edna Carnival website, notorious for spreading fake news and conspiracy theories.

Gotliv alleges that the United States intercepted negotiations between Shikma Bressler's husband (a leader of the protest against legal reform) and Yahya Sinwar four days before October 7. According to Gotliv, after the Americans reported this interception to their Israeli counterparts, Mossad chief Dadi Barnea met with Shikma Bressler.