On Sunday, February 11, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and members of the government visited the base of the IDF Yahalom Unit.

Chief of the General Staff Herzi Halevi reported on the progress of the operations in Gaza and plans for their continuation, mentioning the impressive military successes achieved so far.

Gen. Itzik Cohen, the IDF's 162nd Division commander, and Lieutenant Colonel Omri Dor, the Palmachim base commander, briefed on the joint "air-ground" tactics the IDF uses in the Gaza sector.

Benjamin Netanyahu thanked the Chief of the General Staff and commanders for the overview, noting that the IDF's achievements are impressive. "We are on the path to victory. It will take some more time, as rightly said, but not years, despite what is being said. Victory is already within arm's reach. It is a tough battle, but a battle we are winning. We want to achieve the demilitarization of the sector. This requires our military control and the utmost responsibility for security across the entire territory west of the Jordan, including the Gaza sector. There is no alternative to this in the foreseeable future," said the Prime Minister.

Netanyahu stated that the international community, the U.S. President, and other international leaders are informed about the absence of an alternative to Israel's military control.

"We say this to the international community, the President of the United States, and all leaders. There is no alternative to this. There will always be our military control; if it requires presence inside, there will be presence. If it requires our entry anywhere, the IDF can enter anywhere, anytime. It will continue to be so," said Netanyahu, adding that "maximum internal unity" is required for its implementation.

"But most importantly, stick to the goal, and the goal is victory. Not half-victory, not one-third of victory, but victory over all of Hamas. With God's help and joint forces, I believe we will achieve that, too. In light of what we have seen here today, I think you can feel confidence and pride in our soldiers, our commanders, and our achievements," said Netanyahu.

The Prime Minister's Office press service notes that ministers visited the Emanuel military base earlier. They were briefed on the operations in the underground tunnels by the Yahalom Combat Engineering Corps unit, the activities of the visual intelligence Unit 9900, and the intelligence data discovered in the sector, used by security forces to obtain additional reconnaissance information facilitating the progress of operations in Gaza.

The Prime Minister instructed to set a date for the Chief of the General Staff's report on the situation on the northern front.