Israeli citizen crosses Gaza border, retraces steps

An Israeli citizen crossed the border into the Gaza Strip near Kibbutz Be'eri on Sunday but returned shortly afterward.

IDF observers noticed the incident and alerted armed forces to the scene. The circumstances are currently under investigation.

Unfortunately, a similar incident occurred in early November with tragic consequences: 35-year-old Aviyahu Mori from the village of Nir Akiva in the Negev entered the Gaza Strip without permission during heightened hostilities and was killed.

According to his relatives, Aviyahu Mori wore an IDF uniform and entered the Gaza Strip through the territory of Nir Oz, unarmed. Relatives report that he ventured about 500 meters into the sector before deciding to return the same way.

As he approached the border, he was killed. Aviyahu Mori's relatives claim he died as a result of an attack from an unmanned aerial vehicle. They also state that Aviyahu suffered from post-traumatic syndrome and had previously attempted to approach the Gaza Strip border.

IDF representatives stated that intense battles with the Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas are ongoing in the Gaza Strip. After the end of hostilities, the IDF will conduct a thorough investigation into the incident's circumstances.