IDF releases video of mopping-up operation in Khan Younis; three soldiers killed

The IDF has released footage captured by fighters from the 646th Reserve Paratroopers Brigade during a mopping-up operation in Khan Younis. During this operation, troopers destroyed numerous terrorist targets, eliminated dozens of militants, and discovered and neutralized exits from terrorist tunnels.

This week, the IDF began an operation in the small neighborhood in Khan Younis, where troopers found weapons, grenades, ammunition, as well as uniforms and Hamas' combat training materials.

Soldiers also neutralized terrorists who were hiding among the civilian population in a shelter and ensured a safe corridor for the evacuation of several thousand civilians.

During the operation, an explosive was detonated in a building, resulting in the deaths of reservists from the Southern Brigade's 630th Battalion. Three soldiers died: Lt. Col. (res.) Netanel Yaacov Elkouby, 36, from Haifa, Maj. (res.) Yair Cohen, 30, from Ramat Gan, and Sgt. First Class (res.) Ziv Chen, 27, from Kfar Saba.