IDF reports loss of two officers and a soldier in Southern Gaza battle

The deaths of two officers and a soldier from the 630th Battalion of the Southern Brigade have been cleared for release. Their names are as follows:

Reserve Lieutenant Colonel Netanel Yaakov Elqubi, 36, from Haifa, serving as the battalion commander.

Reserve Major Yair Cohen, 30, from Ramat Gan, acting as the company commander.

Reserve Sergeant Major Ziv Hen, 27, from Kfar Saba, serving as a member of the battalion.

Additionally, two reservists from the same battalion were seriously wounded in the same battle.

Since October 31, a total of 232 IDF soldiers have been killed during ground operations in Gaza. Furthermore, since October 7, 569 IDF soldiers have lost their lives due to the Black Saturday terrorist attacks and the subsequent War of Iron Swords.