Israeli writer Leonid Finkel dies at 87

On Monday, February 12, Leonid Finkel, a renowned Israeli writer and former executive secretary of the Union of Russian-Speaking Writers in Israel, passed away in Ashkelon at the age of 87.

Born on June 24, 1936, in Poltava, Ukraine (formerly part of the USSR), Finkel hailed from a family with a lineage of conductors and writers. He pursued studies at the Moscow Literary Institute and the Lviv Polytechnic Institute before primarily residing in Chernivtsi.

In 1992, he immigrated to Israel. Throughout his life, Finkel authored over twenty prose works, with only three published in the former USSR. He was also known for his contributions as a playwright, essayist, and publicist, with his works featured in magazines across Russia, Ukraine, Israel, the USA, Germany, Great Britain, and Australia.