240 children return to schools and kindergartens in Sderot

Sunday, February 18, marked the first day of Sderot children returning to schools and kindergartens.

For the first time since the war started, 150 students from grades Aleph (first) to Gimel (third), along with 90 kindergarten students, attended classes. The remaining schools and kindergartens in Sderot will reopen on March 3.

Education resumed at Neriya Primary School for students and at three kindergarten groups in the new kindergarten building in the Ne'ot Shikma district. This building will serve as a temporary facility until February 29.

In addition to teachers, military personnel, security guards, and members of the Sderot self-defense units welcomed the returning children.

On Tuesday, the Adar special education school will open, along with kindergartens for children with special needs.