Gaza Ministry of Health: War's death toll surpasses 29,000

The Gaza Ministry of Health, a Hamas-affiliated body, reported on February 19 that since hostilities began on October 7, 29,092 people have been killed and more than 69,000 have been injured in the Gaza Strip.

According to the Hamas Ministry of Health, 107 people were killed and 145 were injured during the fighting in Gaza over the past 24 hours.

This information cannot be independently verified, as mass burials have become common due to the high number of deaths.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has stated that it cannot confirm or deny the accuracy of the data provided by the Gaza Ministry of Health regarding casualties.

However, a study published in January in the Lancet suggests that the data from the Gaza Ministry of Health may be close to reality.

Based on reports from the IDF, dozens of militants from terrorist groups are being killed daily in Gaza. The IDF estimates that more than 10,000 militants and their leaders have been killed in Gaza since the start of the conflict.