Scammer posed as IDF Navy Special Forces soldier with cancer to collect donations

On February 18, Anti-Fraud Officers from the Tel Aviv District Police detained a suspect for defrauding his partner and her family members in the United States out of about 30,000 shekels under the guise of "treatment."

The scammer falsely claimed to be a member of the IDF naval special forces Shayetet 13 and pretended to have cancer. He solicited donations, alleging that funds were needed not only for his treatment but also for his unit's needs.

Police disclosed that the suspect had opened a PayPal account in his grandmother's name and misappropriated all the funds for personal expenses. Simultaneously, he deceived his girlfriend and her relatives by falsely asserting that the account belonged to the grandmother of a deceased soldier from his unit.

While the suspect's name remains undisclosed, it has been revealed that he is a 34-year-old resident of Tel Aviv. Following interrogation, he was placed under house arrest.