IDF arrests 11 terror suspects in Judea and Samaria

On February 20, IDF forces, Shin Bet security service, and Border Police fighters apprehended 11 individuals suspected of terrorist activities in Judea and Samaria. Shin Bet will interrogate the detainees.

Search operations were conducted in the village of Burqa in connection with yesterday's attack, which resulted in the injury of an Israeli.

In Birzeit and Beit Surik, the IDF discovered and confiscated weapons, while in Ramallah, troops seized funds earmarked for financing terrorism.
In Rantis, the Israeli military apprehended a wanted terrorist and confiscated weapons.

There were no casualties among the Israeli military personnel during the operations in Judea and Samaria today.

Since the beginning of the conflict on October 7, 2023, approximately 3,150 terrorism suspects have been arrested in the Palestinian Authority territory, with over 1,350 of them linked to the Hamas terrorist organization.