On February 21st, IDF forces, General Security Service (Shin Bet), and Border Police (MAGAV) officers detained 40 terrorist suspects in Judea and Samaria.

The detainees were transferred to Shin Bet investigators for questioning.

In Jenin, fighters from Duvdevan, Sayeret Haruv, and Border Police special forces, led by Shin Bet, arrested 14 suspects, eliminated three terrorists, and wounded several others.

Weapons were discovered, and mines along the military route were neutralized. A UAV was deployed to eliminate militants who resisted with arms.

Three wanted terrorists were detained in Qabalan, three more in Al-Fasil, and four in Qibya. In Rantis, funds intended for terrorism financing were seized.

A terrorism suspect was apprehended in Abu Dis, and his weapons were seized. Over 10,000 shekels intended for terrorist financing were confiscated in Samu.

Five Hamas student activists wanted for terrorism were arrested in Hebron. Another suspect associated with a Hamas student cell was detained in Masab Bin.

No Israeli military casualties were reported during the operations in Judea and Samaria on that day.

Since the war began on October 7, 2023, approximately 3,200 terror suspects have been detained in the Palestinian Authority, with over 1,350 of them associated with the terrorist organization Hamas.