Hamas praises terror attack near Ma'ale Adumim, calls for Escalation

Hamas has welcomed the terror attack that took place on Thursday morning on the Route 1 highway between Jerusalem and the West Bank's Maaleh Adumim. "Our people will continue to resist the occupation of our land until we achieve victory. Their plans to prevent access to worshipers at the Al-Aqsa Mosque during the holy month of Ramadan will not bring them security nor legitimize their actions."

In its statement, Hamas calls on Arabs to escalate the situation and carry out attacks in Jerusalem and all parts of Israel.

On Thursday morning, February 22, a terror shooting attack took place on the Route 1 highway between Jerusalem and the West Bank's Maaleh Adumim, a few hundred meters before the Az-Za'ayyem checkpoint. One person was killed, ten were injured, with one in critical condition. Three terrorists were shot dead.

Three terrorists arrived by car, exited, and began shooting at Israelis waiting in traffic while heading toward Jerusalem. Two terrorists were shot dead at the scene, and the third terrorist, who attempted to flee, was found and shot dead shortly after.