IDF: no obstacles for residents' return to 18 villages near Gaza

The head of the Home Front Command, Major General Rafi Milo, has indicated in his professional assessment that, from a security standpoint, the IDF sees no obstacles to the return home of residents from 18 settlements located within a 0-4 km radius from the Gaza Strip borders.

However, he cautioned against ruling out the possibility of renewed rocket attacks originating from the Gaza Strip. He stressed that, at this stage, the army and security services cannot guarantee the neutralization of the terrorist threat from the strip.

In his assessment, he listed the following settlements: Zikim, Yad Mordechai, Karmia, Erez, Or HaNer, Ibim, Sderot, Nir Am, Gevim, Meflasim, Sa'ad, Alumim, Re'im, Magen, Nir Yitzchak, Shlomit, Naveh, and Bnei Netzarim.

Milo underscored that his assessment strictly addresses security and operational aspects. He noted that the feasibility of repatriating evacuees from the sector's outskirts should also consider other essential aspects of life, such as education, health, social services, and transportation.