Victim and terrorists of Highway 1 terror attack identified

The victim of the terror attack on Route 1 near Ma'ale Adumim has been identified as Matan Elmaliah. The resident of the West Bank settlement Ma'ale Adumim was 26.

The names of the terrorists who carried out the shooting have also been revealed.

The Shin Bet internal security agency revealed the identities of the terrorists as Muhammad Zuahara, 26, of Ta'amra and Bethlehem, his brother Qadam Zuahara, 31, also from Bethlehem, and Ahmed Aluhash, 31, of Zaatra. Brothers Zawahara were shot dead while carrying out the attack. Aluhash was wounded and arrested.

Police report that the three terrorists, who arrived by car, exited and began firing automatic weapons at vehicles stuck in traffic heading towards Jerusalem on Route 1. Security forces and armed civilians shot two terrorists at the scene. The third one initially fled and was neutralized a short while later during police searches of the area, police say.

The terrorists were armed with two M-16 automatic rifles, a Carl Gustaf submachine gun, and a pistol. One of them also had a gas grenade.

As a result of the attack, a 23-year-old pregnant woman also sustained severe injuries. Five other people, including a reservist who engaged in combat with the terrorists, suffered injuries ranging from light to moderate.