Israel Prize shrinks to only one category due to ongoing war

Education Minister Yoav Kisch has announced his decision to shrink the annual Israel Prize to one war-related category this year.

"At the moment, the Israel Prize will only honor the acts of revival, heroism, and mutual responsibility of the citizens of Israel. All other prizes will be awarded after the war," he stated.

The Israel Prize award ceremony will still take place on Independence Day in Jerusalem. Kisch mentioned that six recipients will receive the prize for their heroism, courage, and contributions to the restoration of life in Israel after the October 7 terror attack.

Earlier, journalist Ben Caspit reported that the true reason for scraping all of the Israel Prize's traditional categories this year might be an attempt to avoid awarding the prize to Eyal Waldman. The Israeli tech giant is an outspoken critic of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government and one of the organizers of protests against legal reform in Israel. Waldman's daughter and her partner were among those murdered at the Nova music festival in Re'im.