Hamas-run Ministry of Health in Gaza announced on February 27 that at least 29,878 people have died in the Gaza Strip since the beginning of the conflict on October 7, 2023, with 70,215 sustaining injuries of varying severity.

According to the organization, in the past 24 hours, 96 people were killed, and 172 were injured in the fighting in Gaza.

The information cannot be independently verified.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has repeatedly emphasized its inability to confirm or refute the accuracy of the data on the killed and injured provided by the Gaza Ministry of Health. However, in January, The Lancet published the results of an analysis that indirectly suggests that the Gaza Health Ministry's data may be close to reality.

According to reports from the IDF, dozens of terrorists from various militant groups are eliminated in Gaza daily. According to the IDF, approximately 12,000 militants and their commanders have been eliminated in Gaza since the beginning of the conflict. Hamas acknowledges the deaths of roughly 6,000 of its militants.