IDF operations in Zeitoun and south Gaza on February 28

On the night of February 28, the IDF continued its operations in the Gaza Strip.

Information regarding the progress of the fighting was solely sourced from reports within Gaza.

Sources within Gaza reported conflicts occurring in both the northern and southern regions of the strip, with involvement from the IDF air force and artillery.

In the northern part of the strip, fighting persisted in the Zeitoun area of Gaza City.

In the southern sector, the IDF targeted locations in the Tal as Sultan area, west of Rafah city, while artillery fire from the IDF continued to target areas in Khan Yunis.

Reports from Gaza indicated an explosion at Al-Amal Square in Khan Yunis, along with the discovery of 18 bodies resulting from actions by the Israeli army in the vicinity of Nasser Hospital in Khan Yunis.

During the night, "Tzeva Adom" alarms were heard in the villages of Alumim and Nahal Oz, situated near the Gaza Strip border.

As of now, the IDF has not issued a statement regarding the fighting in Gaza on February 28.

The IDF confirmed the deaths of two officers in a battle in the northern Gaza Strip on February 27.

The deceased have been identified as Major Iftah Shahar, aged 25, from Paran, serving as a company commander of the 432nd Tsabar battalion of the Givati ​​brigade.

Captain Itai Seif, aged 24, from Yeruham, serving as a platoon commander of the same battalion.

Additionally, seven soldiers from the 432nd Tsabar battalion of the Givati brigade sustained serious injuries during the same battle.