Second victim of terror shooting attack near Eli identified as 16-year-old Uria Hartum

The second victim of the attack near the settlement of Eli was named Uria Hartum. He was a 16-year-old high school student from the Dolev settlement in the West Bank.

According to a statement by the Binyamin Regional Council, he is survived by his parents and five brothers. Hartum had been hitching a ride with 57-year-old Rabbi Yitzhak Zeiger, who was also killed in the attack. Hartum was killed as he sat inside the car.

On Thursday, February 29, a Palestinian gunman, later identified as a member of the PA security forces, opened fire on a car with Israeli license plates at a gas station. The terrorist was killed by the owner of the Hummus Eliyahu snack bar located at the gas station.