Everything you need to know about the second round of municipal elections

Seventy candidates are vying for leadership positions in the 35 municipalities and local councils that failed to elect a mayor or council head during the municipal elections on February 27.

The second round of municipal elections will occur in these 35 municipalities and local councils on Sunday, March 10. Polling stations will be open from 1:00 PM to 10:00 PM without any breaks.

In settlements where the number of eligible voters is fewer than 350, polling stations will operate from 1:00 PM to 8:00 PM, also without interruption.

The decision to advance the second round by two days was made to accommodate the needs of Muslim voters observing the month of Ramadan.

It's important to note that, unlike the first day of local elections, the day of the second round is not an official holiday.

A second round of elections is triggered if none of the candidates for the position of municipality or local council head manages to secure at least 40% of valid ballots, or if two candidates receive an equal number of votes totaling 40% or more.

If one of the candidates withdraws between the first and second rounds (due to death, resignation, or other reasons), the second round will proceed with only the remaining candidate.

Voters will then vote for or against the remaining candidate. If the number of valid ballots cast for the candidate exceeds those cast against them, they will be elected.

Voting against a single candidate will be done using a green ballot.

Haifa is the largest city where the second round will take place. Other large cities awaiting the second round include Kiryat Gat, Ramla, Beit Shemesh, Harish, Tirat Carmel, and Yehud.

Additionally, residents of Abu Ghosh, Or Akiva, Ariel, Be'er Tuvia, Buq'ata, Efrat, Beit Jann, Binyamina, Basmat Tab'un, Bnaya, Julis, Jatt, Deir al-Assad, Zarzir, Kafr Kanna, Laqiya, Mashhad Arab, Peki'in, Kiryat Ekron, and Sha'ab, as well as those in the regional councils of Kafr Qasim and Neve Midbar, will face a second round.