Israeli UN representative called back for consultations

On the evening of March 4, it was revealed that Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz had instructed Gilad Erdan, Israel's Permanent Representative to the UN, to return to Jerusalem immediately for consultations. Katz made this announcement on his official blog.

The reason behind this decision was what Katz called the UN's attempt to suppress a report detailing mass rapes committed by Hamas militants on October 7.

Katz claimed that the UN Secretary-General had the authority to convene the Security Council based on the report's findings and to label Hamas a terrorist organization, imposing sanctions against it. However, this power was not utilized.

UN Under-Secretary-General Pramila Patten, the Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict, unveiled her report during a special press conference. The report documented instances of sexualized violence perpetrated by Hamas terrorists against Israeli women on October 7.

Patten's report confirmed evidence of Hamas militants raping victims and shooting naked women. It also highlighted instances of sexualized violence against Hamas captives, suggesting that these atrocities persist as long as victims remain in terrorist custody. Patten called for the immediate release of these hostages by Hamas.

The report was released one month after Patten and her team visited Israel to gather evidence of sexualized violence against Israeli women and girls committed by Palestinian terrorists on October 7, 2023.

The comprehensive report included accounts of gang rape, sexual mutilation, and other horrific acts of violence against women. Pramila Patten's full report is set to be published on Monday evening.

During her week-long stay in Israel, Patten met with victims of violence, representatives from various organizations, medical professionals, and specialists working with victims of sexual violence. She also viewed video recordings of the October 7 massacre and visited areas affected by the violence.

Reflecting on her experiences, Patten expressed profound shock and empathy, stating that witnessing the scale of the tragedy left her unable to sleep for several days.

Israeli media quoted Patten as saying, "Only now do I fully grasp the magnitude of the tragedy. What I witnessed here is beyond anything I've seen elsewhere. The world outside cannot comprehend this. Now, I understand Israel's pain, frustration, and anger towards the world's response to these events."