IDF operations in Jenin, Qalqilya, and Tulkarm on March 5

The IDF continues to operate in Judea and Samaria to prevent new terrorist attacks and apprehend or neutralize members of terrorist organizations.

According to Palestinian Authority (PA) sources, on the night of March 5, the Israeli military conducted operations in and around Jenin (specifically in Ya'bad, Kafirat, Kafr Qud, Kafr Dan, and Burqin), Qalqilya, Tulkarm (including areas near the Thabet hospital and Al-Quds Open University), near Ramallah (in Qalandiya, Kobar, and Al-Am'ari), and in Beit Ummar (north of Hebron).

In Kafr Dan, the military demolished the home of terrorist Abdullah Masad, who had killed two Israelis in Huwara.

Clashes were reported during these nighttime operations.

There have been no reports of casualties among the Israeli military in Judea and Samaria.

The number of terrorism suspects detained is currently being determined.

As of now, the IDF has not provided any official comments on the events that transpired in Judea and Samaria on the night of March 5.