Netanyahu's Office tried to cancel Benny Gantz's tickets to Washington and London

Channel 11 has reported that the office of the Prime Minister attempted to cancel the airline tickets purchased for Benny Gantz to Washington and London after it turned out that Netanyahu had not approved the trip.

According to Channel 11, the Prime Minister's Office conducted an internal investigation after the scandal erupted over Gantz's trip to Washington. Representatives of Gantz stated that his trip to the US and UK was not only coordinated but also approved by Netanyahu. However, Netanyahu's chief of staff claimed the opposite, as the prime minister was against this trip, and all established rules were violated during its organization.

Channel 11 claims that after it became clear that the trip was not approved, the Prime Minister's Office tried to cancel Gantz's airline tickets. However, when it turned out that a penalty of $7,000 would be required for canceling the tickets, they decided not to cancel them.

According to Channel 11, Benny Gantz's airline tickets to Washington and London cost $19,000. Earlier reports in the media suggested that Gantz was funding this trip through his party's funds.